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Thursday, 25 July 2013

The Importance of TechNet

The removal of the TechNet subscription facility has angered and upset a lot of IT Professionals who traditionally have been amongst Microsoft's more ardent supporters.  Jim Jones, a contributor for, published an excellent article delineating the importance of TechNet. It describes possible compromises and strikes at the heart of what many in the community fervently believe. The article can be found here.

If feels like Microsoft only seems to believe that Chief Information Officers (CIOs) matter. It seems to many of the community that Microsoft forget that CIOs typically make decisions based on consensus with their staff and colleagues. In other words, the very people Microsoft have angered over this move.

One of the few bright spots on Microsoft’s recent financial disclosure was enterprise services, where things continue to be on the up. These services are driven by Microsoft’s relationship with these same individuals that benefit most from TechNet.  Between that and Friday’s massive sell-off wiping out $34 billion in market value (the largest in 13 years), the thought of Microsoft alienating its most ardent supporters is ludicrous.

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